php 工作流引擎开源,php的著名开源项目有哪些?

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  包管理Package Management  Package Management Related  框架  框架组件  微框架Micro Frameworks  内容管理系统Content Management Systems  模板Templating  静态网站生成器Static Site Generators  HTTP  URL  Email  Files  Streams  Dependency Injection  Imagery  Testing  Documentation  Security  Code Analysis  Build Tools  Asset Management  Geolocation  Date and Time  Event  Logging  E-commerce  PDF  ORM and Datamapping  NoSQL  Queue  Search  Command Line  Authentication  Markup  Text and Numbers  Filtering and Validation  REST and API  Caching  Data Structure and Storage  Notifications  Deployment  Third Party APIs  Miscellaneous  Development Software  Web Tools  Websites  Books  Web Reading  PHP Reading  PHP Internals Reading  一个非常棒的PHP库,资源和实用内容大集合。

